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Staffing Solution For Nuclear Power Provider

The Client

The client is public-utility and energy company located in the American Northwest. In total they operate four electricity generating stations, including a nuclear facility. They have been a key producer of reliable, cost-effective power for the region since their founding in 1957. Their vision for the future is to lead the way in clean energy and public power solutions through sustained excellence and performance.

power plant in dusk
construction engineer at power plant

Key Challenges

To meet the demands of operating a nuclear plant, the client schedules a yearly outage to perform regular maintenance for their facility. Outages serve as routine measure to ensure nuclear power sites remain in compliance, functional and safe.  Maintenance typically includes modification designs, security modifications and ongoing project management. Though a typical outage lasts 90 days, the maintenance can span several months to a year in total. The client requires a flexible staffing solution to complete these projects on schedule.

The Solution

A robust recruiting pipeline and industry expertise situates Planet Forward as a key staffing provider for the energy sector. The client has come to rely on them as a part of their contingent labor program to staff their facilities.

During outage periods, the client contracts additional employees to carry out scheduled maintenance. Planet Forward works closely with the client during this process, staffing candidates in roles such as Project and Principal Engineering, Nuclear Licensing, Procedure Writing and Info Systems. Planet Forward’s deep network of energy consultants enables the client to quickly secure talent for these positions, ensuring the client’s nuclear facility remains safe and operational.

person working at extensive control panel
two people shaking hands

The Results

Planet Forward’s flexible staffing solutions allows the client to scale labor up and down as needed, avoiding commercial downtime and staying within budget. At any given time, Planet Forward has 20 consultants on billing, typically doubling during scheduled maintenance periods. Planet Forward’s partnership with the client continues to evolve to this day, now providing services such as payroll, and taking on an increasingly larger role in their contingent labor program

person holding earth glass orb in lush surroundings

We Match Top Talent to Companies Worldwide.

At Planet Forward, we provide strategic and innovative human capital solutions for companies in the Energy, Environmental, Manufacturing, Technology, and Professional Services sectors.  We utilize a team-oriented approach to deliver best value to our clients and support the critical needs of their business.  Every day, all around the world, our clients depend on us to meet their evolving workforce demands.

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Photo Credits: Canva